(They had a gal walk out yesterday so they are needing to shuffle some people around to cover the appropriate duties. They text me and asked me if I could come into work. Here is the email that I ALMOST sent them- but decided to talk to them instead (one-on-one.) Talking in person was the best idea for the situation, but I kept this email just in case I wanted to look back on it someday.)
Hi there,
I got your text message this morning, as well as Jade’s and Leslie’s email- my only issue is that it costs me too much to come into work.
If it made sense financially, I would jump to the opportunity- but after paying a sitter and filling up on gas at $3.45 a gallon- To work again for the same amount makes it very hard to come back. So even for a temporary offer, I simply can’t afford it.
If I come back for a short time and the bridge is open for a full time position, I feel HomeLovers might not ever find a position for me to grow into.
Perhaps it’s because I have not shown my ‘true’ value to the company, or maybe HomeLovers doesn’t have the budget to pay for quality employees themselves.
How can I ask for more money per hour without making it sound like I’m trying to be ‘better’ than anyone else?
I apologize if it sounds ugly, it wasn’t my intent.
Thank you so much for considering me anyway.
(so, I ended up going back to work today- even though I didn't arrive until 1:30, I worked until 5. They agreed to give me a temporary $2 an hour raise. This was so exciting to approach, ask and receive my wish!)
I've agreed to work until next Wednesday (the 22nd of June.) Jim isn't so crazy about the idea because 1. I'm not packin and cleanin all day like I 'should' be and 2. the gas is still expensive no matter HOW you cut it. Besides, at least we'll be makin a little bit of cash.
Here are his replies below. . .
From: Wells, Jim
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 10:58 AM
To: 'Crystal'
Subject: RE: I don't want to burn any bridges
Maybe you could also say until you move that it will just be to costly and that move should be done before the end of July.
From: Crystal
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 11:00 AM
To: Wells, Jim
Subject: RE: I don't want to burn any bridges
So you agree that I should NOT go into work today at all?
Or should I just ‘go’ and then tell them all this later?
From: Wells, Jim
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 11:10 AM
To: 'Crystal'
Subject: RE: I don't want to burn any bridges
I think it should be there choice along with yours