Written by Crystal J. Pollard on July 28, 2005- 2 weeks before meeting my current husband. (Based on my struggles with my THEN husband of 3 years.)
(x's are things I wish my current husband would work on- and stars are placed next to my current husband's attributes on 11/14/10- 5 years and 3 months after we met. oh, and the ones in italics below- are what my EX WERE, everything else HE WASN'T.)
- I want my husband to be ambitious. *
- I want my husband to be sincere. x & *
- I want my husband to love his family. *
- I want my husband to want a family of his own. *
- I want my husband to sing to me as well as sing with me. x
- I want my husband to dance with me especially in public. x
- I want my husband to be willing to do anything JUST to be with me. x
- I want my husband to love kids. *
- I want my husband to like being out doors. x & *
- I want my husband to like dogs. *
- I want my husband to take me out on dates. x
- I want my husband to be in good shape. x
- I want my husband to make healthy food choices. x
- I want my husband to have big dreams. *
- I want my husband to have goals. *
- I want my husband to be romantic. x
- I want my husband to be faithful. *
- I want my husband to be energetic about life. x
- I want my husband to get along with my family. x & *
- I want my husband to respect his body. (No drugs or alcohol.) *
- I want my husband to willing to move OUT OF TUCSON. *
- I want my husband to get along with his family. *
- I want my husband to like traveling. *
- I want my husband to be comfortable with change. x
- I want my husband to be willing to change diapers. *
- I want my husband to be a positive thinker. x
- I want my husband to understand my point of view.x
- I want my husband to be a handy man. *
- I want my husband to know a lot if not some things about cars.*
- I want my husband to not be controlling. x
- I want my husband to be easy to talk to. x
- I want my husband to hold me when I’m crying. x
- I want my husband to take care of me when I’m sick. x & *
- I want my husband to get off work early just to be with me. x
- I want my husband to bring in groceries after I go shopping. *
- I want my husband to do dishes once in a while. x
- I want my husband to do laundry once in a while. *
- I want my husband to clean up after himself. *
- I want my husband to challenge me to be my best. x
- I want my husband to save money for the future. x
- I want my husband to have a productive hobby. x & *
- I want my husband to have his own friends. *
- I want my husband to have a college degree in something that he enjoys. *
- I want my husband to be calm in stressful situations. x & *
- I want my husband to be affectionate and make out with me once in awhile. x & *
- I want my husband to make me breakfast in bed on my birthday and treat me like a princess once a year. x
- I want my husband to give me a mother’s day gift (even if we don’t have kids.)*
- I want my husband to have a photo of his mother in his house. x & *
- I want my husband to have his own place when I meet him for the first time. x
- I want my husband to give me deep and meaningful conversations. x
- I want my husband to give me eye contact EVERYTIME we’re talking.x
- I want my husband to open doors for me and stand up when I approach the table. x
- I want my husband to love and hate Television as much as I do. *
- I want my husband to have the want to be happy rather than the need to be right. x
- I want my husband to have something in common (hobby wise) with me. x
- I want my husband to have a sister that he cares about/close to. x
- I want my husband to have a brother that he cares about/close to. x
- I want my husband to get excited to BE WITH ME no matter what we’re doing. x
- I want my husband to be spontaneous, like me. x
- I want my husband to be planned, like me. *
- I want my husband to not swear like a sailor, but casually like I do. *
- I want my husband to be able to hear my voice and smile. x
- I want my husband to be willing to see a doctor at least once a year. *
- I want my husband to be willing to see a dentist at least every 6 months. *
- I want my husband to be willing to do some cooking. *
- I want my husband to be willing to try my cooking. *
- I want my husband to be open minded to trying new foods and restaurants. x & *
- I want my husband to love his car or be working on it to improve it. *
- I want my husband to work a normal set of work hours unless we’re struggling. *
- I want my husband to work more than one job IF EVER NEEDED. x
- I want my husband to have a past relationship that lasted for more than 2 years. *
- I want my husband to love a variety of music. *
- I want my husband to like or at least tolerate musicals and sappy chick flicks.x
- I want my husband to play an instrument. *
- I want my husband to not care about my looks, but call me beautiful all the time. x
- I want my husband and me to own a big house together. *
- I want my husband to be willing to wear a suit and tie. x
- I want my husband to be a good listener. *
- I want my husband to be a good negotiator and be willing to bend. x
- I want my husband to like Disney Land and Disney World. x
- I want my husband to never pressure me into anything I wasn’t ready for. *
- I want my husband to treat me like a lady. x
- I want my husband to treat me with respect and never hit me (or anyone else.) x
- I want my husband to always do the driving when were out. (Unless I ask to.) *
- I want my husband to share his money but keep a separate account for himself.*
- I want my husband to assist me with paying the bills. *
- I want my husband to go swimming with me once in a while. x
- I want my husband to be able to take care of things when I can’t. *
- I want my husband to know what it’s like to loose someone close.*
- I want my husband to trust me when I’m not with him at all times. x
- I want my husband to know how to control his anger. x & *
- I want my husband to be productive with his everyday life. x
- I want my husband to never allow us to go to bed angry. x
- I want my husband to talk to me WHENEVER I need to talk. *
- I want my husband to value me more than SLEEP, more than WORK, and more than ANYTHING ELSE. *
- I want to catch my husband starring at me sometimes admiring the love he has for me.x
- I want my husband to assist my family with whatever he can, when ever he can. *
- I want my husband to wait on me hand on foot, (and I to him.) x
- I want my husband to call me to say I love you every once in awhile. *
- I want my husband to kiss me before we part and every time we greet each other. x
- I want my husband to never get mad for little, dumb things x
- I want my husband to have a positive frame of mind x
- I want my husband to notices the nice things about EVERYTHING x
- I want my husband to talk nicely and calmly to me, our children and other family x & *
- I want my husband to be open minded enough to admit when he’s wrong. x
- I want my husband to be able to apologize when he is wrong. x
- I want my husband to be social and not withdrawn or dominate the conversation. x
- I want my husband to listen to what I’m saying and not what he assumes I’m sayingx
- I want my husband to not be so defensive when I give him feedback. x
- I want my husband to be genuinely involved with our children’s lives and care about them. *
- I want my husband to never scream at our kids, but will talk to them with respect. x & *
- I want my husband to be aware of his personal hygiene. *
- I want my husband to be apart of the family no matter who’s there or what we’re doing. x
- I want my husband to make the best of every family get together. x & *
- I want my husband to take making love very seriously and give me affection afterward too. x
- I want my husband to help me work on my road rage as well his own. x
- I want my husband to have ambition and put it to work. x
- I want my husband to not need anyone to nag him to do anything. x
- I want my husband to be able to pack and dress for himself. *
- I want my husband to not watch TV when there is something more important to do.x
- I want my husband to be able to value his word and won’t postpone his commitments.x
- I want my husband to be honest and have integrity. x
- I want my husband to be the first up in the morning and is on top of things he needs to do. *
- I want my husband who truly is my best friend and tries to be in tune with my emotions. x
- I want my husband to be able to listen without judgment or argument.x
- I want my husband to surprise me with small tokens of affection. *
- I want my husband to take me out at least once a week.x
- I want my husband to treat me as an equal to him. x
- I want my husband to stand up for me if anyone disrespects me.x
- I want my husband to never give me unnecessary guilt trips. x
- I want my husband to allow me to explain my thoughts when I make a decision he doesn’t agree with. x
- I want my husband to allow me to think for myself. (non-manipulating.)x
- I want my husband to brush his teeth regularly. x
- I want my husband to never make fun at me (unless I’m laughing too.)x
- I want my husband to be as passionate for life, love and a career as I am x & *
- I want my husband to be always trying to better himself, and see’s life as a constant journey x
- I want my husband to never lie, cheat steal or have the desire to kill.x
- I want my husband to be able to express his anger in healthy forms of expression; i.e.: talking, crying etc x
- I want my husband to be showing improvement daily, whether it’s with me or him. x
- I want my husband to enjoy holidays and likes to celebrate them with his family.x
- I want my husband to be willing to help me with holiday gift wrapping and shopping x
- I want my husband be open minded when I’m concerned about our relationship. x
- I want my husband to be willing to go to marriage counseling if needed. *
- I want my husband to appreciate the world and be willing to travel outside of United States. x
- I want my husband to give in to an argument, just for the sake of “letting it go.” x
- I want my husband to help me clean up after our pets as well as our kids. *
- I want my husband to be willing to volunteer for a good cause. x
- I want my husband to buy me roses once in a while. *
- I want my husband to have proposed to me romantically and was willing to have a big wedding. *
- I want my future husband to read this list and be WILLING to work on these because HE LOVES ME! x
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