Starting today, I will be reading each "way" to clean out clutter and also doing my best to put each suggestion to use in my real life.
- Why all that clutter?
- No more Piles
- Remove the unused
- Tools of the trade
- It’s a family matter
- Labels are helpful
- A place for everything
- To-Do Lists
- No more excuses
- New items in-out items out
- Unfinished business
- The 80/20 Rule
- Accordion files fit the bill
- Managing the mail
- Juggling the junk mail
- Break it up
- Practical Expectations
- When are you most productive?
- Prevent Interupptions
- Today is the day!
- The family communication center
- Purge the paper piles
- Smart storage solutions
- Filing financials
- Get motivated
- Stick a label on it
- Tips to tackle the garage
- The drop off and pick-up place
- No more lost keys
- A tote for household tools
- Phone calls take time too
- Don’t delay small tasks
- Be my guest
- Little tasks take time
- Just give it a try
- A chance to change
- Do you reall need it?
- Sell? Donate? Toss Out?
- Breaking down the big ones
- The paper shuffle
- Distribuiting the mail
- Filing the files
- Evening… a time to clean up
- Beware of procrastination & laziness
- Why so many?
- Clear the clutter in child’s room
- The closet of mystery
- The messy medicine cabinet
- Broken and outgrown toys
- Do the worst first
- Friends help friends
- Learn to let go
- Hydrogen peroxide has many uses
- Shopping tips
- Keeping a tidy home
- Store items where needed
- Be a good steward
- Find another use
- Simple ideas make easier days
- Unused electric gadgets
- Watch for hidden costs
- Plasticware everywhere
- Paper bags, newspapers, bottles & cans- oh my!
- Freezer food fuss
- Use it or Lose it
- Share your heirlooms now
- Use up the leftovers
- Speed Cleaning
- Is the box half full?
- Great gift ideas
- When giving gifts
- Those old trophies… dust or discard?
- Choose people, not things
- New life for old favorites
- Pace yourself
- Why so overstuffed?
- Make a date
- Evening efforts ease morning’s rush
- The idea jar
- Common items gain novel purposes
- What to begin with
- Time to get organized
- Creative ways to make storage
- Begin a better way today
- Tricks to tuck it out of sight
- Made in his image
- Too many books?
- Sell it
- Put away, throw away or give away
- You cue to clean
- Monthly and quartly chores
- Develop your own style
- The annual paper purge
- Freedom from clutter
- Practical and creative solutions
- Good reasons to use good china
- The must-have junk drawer
- Sorting laundry the easy way
- Think double duty
- A goal for the whole family
- Your home… A Lovely Reflection of you
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