Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Goals vs Results 5/25/2011

Today's Goals

1. Go for a walk-eat breakfast, play with kids

2. Come up with some new/fun ideas for interacting with kids

3. Wash another load of laundry

4. Clean up Kitchen, again (oh boy this is getting old already!)

5. Fold and put away laundry

6. Wash Matthew's Bedding

7. Color with my kids for 'day 1'

8. Clean up front room before Jim gets home

9. Read chapter one of my 'clutter' book

10. Tackle #1 and #2 of my 101 things to CLEAN before I move

Today's Results

1. Matthew didn't feel like a walk, so we ate breakfast

2. Kid's watched TV while I did my best not to doze off.

3. Washed a couple loads of laundry

4. Came up with some fun plans of stuff to do with the kids

5. Cleaned the Kitchen counters and did another load of dishes

6. Fold AND Put away MOST of the laundry (3 out of 4 aint' bad!)

7. Colored with my kids today

8. Cleaned up the front room- Brooklyn gets most of the credit. :o)

9. Washed Matthew's bedding

10. Will read chapter one of my 'clutter book' and started my BLOGGER site

11. BONUS!! AND I cleaned the bathroom top to bottom with LYSOL!

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