I want to brag to you about my NEW GREAT IDEA!
I’m gonna write a book! Whether it be for me, or for other women around the world- I’m gonna have it be my new addiction (like facebook) and I’m honestly considering putting facebook on-hold for this short time.
The name of my book is going to be called “When I Grow up- I wanna-be a SAHM!”
Brilliant Right?
I’m gonna basically write each chapter as I go, following my own ‘tips’ for becoming a s.a.h.m. and reference back to the tips I’m learning from others (websites, books and my personal life coach JADE!)
It’s like a journal as I ‘grow up’ or rather ‘grow into the woman I want to become.' :o) What I like the most about it is that it can be my own 'practice what i preach' guide so that I can start thinking with CONFIDENCE, come from a place of KNOWING and PRACTICE success rather than of insecurity/fear/failure.
I’m so excited. This will help me tons (I FEEL) and can’t wait to write the 1st chapter! BYE!
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